事故再现 & 法医测量
建筑、 考古与文化遗产文档
一般的 3D 测量与建模
事故再现 & 法医测量
iWitnessPRO is extensively used for traffic accident reconstruction and forensic measurement, with photogrammetric technology being equally applicable outdoors or indoors, with photography from the ground or from UAVs (drones). Notable advantages of the iWitnessPRO approach include:
- 快速现场录音领先最少封路 & 少交通中断
- 摄影提供一个永久的记录;在任何时间功能测量
- 技术是很低成本;可以使用任何相机
- iWitnessPRO is very easy to use & provides fast & accurate 3D measurements
- 业务场景︰ 手动通过半-到全自动
- 数据冗余提供稳定和可靠的质量措施
iWitnessPRO has been adopted as standard approach for accident reconstruction across multiple states and 100s of police departments in North America and internationally.
建筑、 考古与文化遗产文档
iWitnessPRO is an ideal 3D measurement tools for a wide range of 3D measurement and modelling tasks in architecture, archaeology & heritage recording in general. The recognised attributes of photogrammetry for these applications centre upon the rapid, non-contact nature of the photography; the fact that scenes can be comprehensively recorded with image measurements being possible at any time; and the ease of use of iWitnessPRO-基于测量,不需要更多比消费级相机,以支持业务方案从手动功能测量到全自动 3D 对象重建。这些属性的例子是造型 Holsten Tor 在吕贝克,如下图所示。
自动 43 意象全能造型 Holsten Tor,吕贝克
随后的密度重建图像 23,46,000 点 Salzspeicher 网络的自动定位
芦苇 and iWitnessPRO are applied in engineering for purposes ranging from design and as-built surveys through to deformation measurement where the automatic measurement functions of iWitnessPRO are especially beneficial. Accuracies to around 1:50,000 are attainable via 芦苇' 自动 3D 测量过程时利用目标和质量好单反相机。
iWitnessPRO 用于测量师主要为特征的调查,并经常生成三维坐标数据支持建筑和规划审批过程。由三维特征点的测定 iWitnessPRO in local surveys requiring modest accuracy is often faster than via a total station, especially when point numbers run into the hundreds. It is also suited to the automated generation of 3D surface models and associated rectified and orthorectified imagery, and it is an ideal tool for localised mapping from photography gathered by a UAV (drone), where digital surface models (DSMs) and orthoimagery are generally sought.
Aerial survey from a UAV using iWitnessPRO-V4︰ 自动定位和稀疏的点云代 (左) 和纹理形成的悬垂在电力需求侧管理形成的密集图像匹配 (右) 生成的正射影像的 3D 模型
一般的 3D 测量与建模
For objects large and small, far and near, recorded with sequences of frame images or video, iWitnessPRO-V4 and 芦苇 offer the full range of easy-to-use image-based 3D measurement functions for a wide range of further applications in areas such as mining, construction, medicine, ecology and the film industry. Prospective users can 联系人 Photometrix should they have questions about the suitability of iWitnessPRO and our range of products for a prospective 3D coordinate measurement, modelling or mapping task.
3D 模型表面的一枚硬币
…let iWitnessPRO-V4 and 芦苇 attend to your close-range photogrammetric measurement tasks. 联系我们 for more information or to request a quote.