Our new iWitnessPRO-V4 photogrammetry software systems support the automatic generation of fully textured high-resolution 3D models, digital surface models & orthoimages. From a network of oriented images, iWitnessPRO-V4 perform 3D object reconstruction using photogrammetry and dense image matching. They are particularly particularly well suited to UAV/drone imagery. Contattaci oggi per richiedere una demo gratuita di 30 giorni!
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Il nostro software fotogrammetria line-up include il rinomato Australis sistema software per la misurazione automatica dell'ingegneria 3D basata sull'immagine e la calibrazione completa della telecamera automatica; così come il poco costoso, facile da usare iWitnessPRO-V4 programmi per la misurazione e la modellazione 3D automatizzati, robusti e flessibili. Incluso nella linea di prodotti è il ampiamente usato CameraCalibrator software per la taratura metrica automatica delle fotocamere digitali, comprese le fotocamere di grado consumer (Nikon & Canon) e tutto, dai piccoli formati UAV/Drones (ad esempio DJI Phantom 3/4/Mavic/Inspire/matrice), fino ad una elevata risoluzione professionale fotocamere di medio formato (ad esempio Phase One, Hasselblad).
Australis :: il nostro Flagship automatico a distanza ravvicinata fotogrammetrico 3D software di misura delle coordinate sia per la metrologia industriale che ingegneristica, e per la calibrazione metrica più accurata delle fotocamere digitali, inclusi i cluster multicamera.
iWitnessPRO-V4 :: NUOVO! Our premier low-cost photogrammetric measurement system. It can produce fully textured 3D object models through automated network orientation and object reconstruction. The generation of a DSM and ortho-image (where applicable) makes this software particularly well suited to 3D feature extraction and terrain modelling from UAV imagery. It also supports fully automatic photogrammetric network orientation and 3D point measurement of both targeted (using red retro reflective targets) and targetless objects and scenes, as well as providing all the manual measurement features of the classic iWitness Software.
CameraCalibrator :: software per calibrare automaticamente la fotocamera per una precisione fotogrammetrico ottimale. Con la nuova versione 2 del CameraCalibrator, il processo di calibrazione automatica può essere eseguito con o senza bersagli, essendo quest'ultimo adatto a calibrare le telecamere che operano da UAV/droni. Una calibrazione completa della distanza principale e dell'offset del punto principale (orientamento interno o parametri intrinseci) e distorsione radiale e decentrante dell'obiettivo possono essere ottenute entro 10 minuti.
Studio di applicazione
Photometrix iWitnessPRO-V4 was used to generate a dimensionally accurate and visually stunning 3D reconstruction of a wooden barn, fences, tractor, trailer & surrounding landscape from imagery recorded from a multi-copter UAV flying at 60m above ground. The dense point cloud containing over 12,000,000 points from this project can be viewed interactively on our website. Clicca qui to find out more.
15 anni di anniversario
Photometrix recently celebrated its 15th Anniversary. Our inexpensive and easy-to-use software system for close range photogrammetry has been adopted by a very large range of users around the world, especially in the areas of accident reconstruction and forensic measurement. iWitnessPRO is used by hundreds of police departments around the globe, as well as in cultural heritage documentation, architectural and engineering measurement, and general 3D modelling applications. This powerful Photometrix software suite has been continuously enhanced and now through iWitnessPRO-V4 we offer both fully automatic 3D measurement from multi-image networks, with and without targets, and automatic 3D object reconstruction with texturing to pixel-level resolution. Throughout its ongoing development, iWitnessPRO has retained its distinctive features of maximum ease of use and full photogrammetric rigour to ensure measurement results of optimal accuracy and reliability at an affordable price. Prospective users are encouraged to trial iWitnessPRO-V4 to experience the measurement power and flexibility.