iWitnessPRO की खरीद-V4

A single iWitnessPRO-V4 लाइसेंस क्रेडिट कार्ड या खरीद आदेश के माध्यम से $US २४९५ के लिए खरीदा जा सकता है से संपर्क Photometrix.

There are also upgrade options available for existing iWitness customers.

iWitnessPRO-V4 is USB-dongle protected and may be installed on as many PCs as desired, or soft-key protected for installation on a single PC. The program is delivered on CD-ROM, with dongle and printed user manual, and it is delivered to the customer by express courier for a shipping and handling cost ranging from $US30 to $US90 depending upon the destination.